How to hide files and folders in windows 10 without using any software

How to hide files and folders in windows 10 without using any software

In operating system, Windows is one the best. Many people prefer to use windows as an operating system. When Windows had been created, The Microsoft Corporation made many of its versions. Such as Windows XP/vista, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 , Windows 10. In those versions windows 10 is best of all. Windows 10 have some amazing and coolest and hidden features that many of computer user’s didn’t notice. I actually discussed about those on my earlier post. I recommend you to check those out if you don’t know about those. 
1.How to disable background apps in windows
2.5 ways to take Screenshot in windows 10
3.Optimize Windows 10 performance by controlling Visual Effect
4.Some cmd tricks you should know (Windows 10)
5.How to make computer fast via optimization.
6.How to make your computer faster

One of the best features of windows is that it can hide any files or folders without using any software. Today I am going to show you how to hide files and folders without using and third party software.

Actually there are  2 ways to hide a file or folder


          Step1: First one-click on the file or folder that you want to hide.
          Step2: Then press right button on the mouse.

          Step3: Then go to Properties. Then you will see an option named hidden. Select hidden and apply.


         Step1: First one-click one the file or folder that you want to hide.
           Step2:  Then go to View. Select Hide selected items.

If you don’t know how to add desktop icon in windows 10 I will prefer you to learn it quickly. How to add desktop icon in windows 10 

In my previous post , I showed you how to show hidden folders or files in windows 10 How to show hidden files in windows 10

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